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Life Groups


"If we’re going to be a living, loving community, it will manifest itself in a loyalty to Christ."

- Alistair Begg


Life Groups

We believe that God designed us to be in relationship with one another and that there is simply no substitute for doing life with others in a shared pursuit of honoring God. Life Groups provide a context for people to live out their faith in the support, accountability, and stretching that is inherent in community.


Life Groups are leader-facilitated and typically meet in homes. Activities vary from group to group and week to week but may involve any combination of eating, learning, playing, sharing, celebrating, praying, and serving.


Check out the map above to find a Life Group near you!



"We Church members must cease and desist becoming "I want" members and become "I will" members."

- Thom S. Rainer


Why should I commit to my local church?

Membership provides a way to determine who is committed to the mission, doctrine, and values of Calvary Restoration – our local expression of the body of Christ. Such delineation is not meant to be elitist or divisive. It is not meant to create different classes within the body.  Rather, it simply recognizes that there are people within any expression of the body of Christ at varying levels of commitment – and that’s okay. But as an intentional community with a mission and purpose, it is helpful to know who is committed and who is simply curious.


Should I become a member?

Scripture tells us that leaders within the church are called to “equip the saints – or believers – for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” (Eph 4:12-13). Essentially, we are called to function as one body, made up of many members, with Jesus Christ as our head, working together to grow into maturity (1 Cor 12:12-31). When all believers – not just church staff – embrace the importance of their role in the church community, the body of Christ is able to function with all of the faculties it is supplied with. And when each part is working properly, the body grows into health and strength (Eph 4:16).


So you should not enter into the membership covenant because you’ve been around Calvary Restoration a while and figure it’s the next step or “something you should do.” Nor should you enter into the membership covenant simply to say, “Calvary Restoration is where I go to church.” That’s part of it, but membership is more than that. It is an informed commitment to the doctrine and vision of Calvary Restoration, a willing submission to the leadership of the church, and an intentional embrace of your role in the body of Christ and the mission of the church.


How do I become a member?

The process of becoming a member takes place at the church. Calvary Restoration utilizes various membership interest meetings to help those interested in membership. However, attending these meetings are not mandatory to become a member.


If you consider Calvary Restoration your church home, are actively engaged and invested in a Life Group, and have read our membership packet, then signing the membership covenant at the end of that packet would be your next step. Simply bring that to a pastor or elder, and we will connect with you from there.

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