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“Give as you love, and measure your love by your gift.”
- Charles Spurgeon
Ways To Give

Give Digitally
You can give easily and securely one time or by recurring giving with your credit card online. Please be sure to specify the congregation and fund you are designating.
*To give to the Project Worthmore Fund, select that option under fund selection.*

During Service
Cash or check can be given during any of our Sunday services. If you'd like to receive a tax deduction for cash gifts, the gift should be placed in an offering envelope with your name and address on it.
Offering envelopes are available next to the offering box.

By Mail
Make checks out to "Calvary Restoration", then mail checks to:
Calvary Restoration
P.O.Box 472634
Aurora, CO 80047
Text to Give: 720.730.8025
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