This is a season of preparation. We're continuing to become a new church family, united in our commitment to making Jesus Non-Ignorable. We are preparing our hearts, our people, and our church ministries to make Joyful, Passionate Disciples of Jesus. In order to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, we have to examine key issues in our community through a Gospel lens. How can we live out our core commitment to Worship God Passionately if we haven’t first repented of the individualism and consumerism in our hearts?
How can we Connect Authentically and welcome the stranger if we don’t understand Biblical Hospitality? How can we Go Show and Tell the Gospel Boldly if we don’t see our community through a Gospel Lens?
Join us as we spend five weeks exploring important issues through a Gospel Lens: Individualism, Consumerism, Racism, Sexuality, and Hospitality. We will see how each of these topics affects our identity and mission as disciples of Christ and as a united, church body.